7. Auxiliary functions

7.1 Building the manual

7.1-1 BuildRCWAManual
> BuildRCWAManual( )( function )

Returns: Nothing.

This function builds the manual of the RCWA package in the file formats LaTeX, DVI, Postscript, PDF and HTML.

This is done using the GAPDoc package by Frank Lbeck and Max Neunh÷ffer.

7.2 The testing routine

7.2-1 RCWATest
> RCWATest( [, test1[, test2[, ...]]] )( function )

Returns: Nothing.

Performs tests of the RCWA package.

The arguments test1, test2, ..., if present, are names of tests.

Available tests are:


Arithmetic in the rings Z_pi.


Computations with integral rcwa mappings and integral rcwa groups.


Computations with semilocal integral rcwa mappings and semilocal integral rcwa groups.


Computations with modular rcwa mappings and modular rcwa groups.


All tests.

The default (if no argument is given) is "all". In case that all tests are to be performed, the function makes use of an adaptation of the test file tst/testall.g of the GAP library to this package.

7.3 The color markup

By default, RCWA switches on coloring of GAP prompts and user input and uses colored markup for displaying its online help texts.

If you do not like this or if your system does not support it, you can switch this off by setting the option value BlackAndWhite to true when loading the package: RequirePackage( "rcwa" : BlackAndWhite );.

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