[Program as PDF-file]
The talks will be in Pontdriesch 14/16 in Hörsaal SeMath (008). Meeting point and coffee breaks are at Lehrstuhl D, first floor (German counting) in the same building (room 103). Coffee and cake on Monday is in the "Mathe Lounge", room 301.
Monday, July 27, 2015
9.00-9.10 Welcome
9.10-10.00 Gunter Malle (TU Kaiserslautern): Some Open Problems in the Representation Theory of Groups of Lie Type
10.10-11.00 Andrzej Szczepański (University of Gdańsk): Symmetries of Crystallographic Groups
11.10-12.00 Radha Kessar (City University London): Lusztig Induction and l-Blocks of Finite Reductive Groups
lunch break       
14.00-14.50 Bhama Srinivasan (University of Illinois at Chicago): Decomposition Numbers of GL(n,q)
coffee and discussion (Mathe Lounge, room 301)       
16.00-16.50 Olivier Dudas (University Paris Diderot - Paris 7): Branching Graphs for Unitary Groups
17.00-17.50 Rob Wilson (Queen Mary, University of London): The Art of the Impossible
19.00-?? Dinner (for registered participants), restaurant Viet, Schildstraße 2
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
9.00-9.50 Geoffrey Robinson (University of Aberdeen): Clifford Theory and Counting Simple Modules
10.00-10.50 Alexandre Zalesski (Minsk): Singer Tori in Representations of PGLn(q)
11.00-11.50 Kay Magaard (University of Birmingham): Overgroups of Quasisimple Irreducible Subgroups of Classical Groups
lunch break       
14.00-14.50 Jon F. Carlson (University of Georgia, USA): Thick Subcategories of the Relative Stable Category
15.00-15.50 Michel Broué (University Paris Diderot - Paris 7): Cyclotomic Root Systems
( Fri, 24 Jul 2015 17:28:21 +0200 )