Final Program
The talks on Thursday and Friday morning were in Room RS 4 in ground floor of Rochusstrasse 2-14.
The talks on Friday afternoon and Saturday were in Room IV in first floor of Hauptgebäude, Templergraben 55.
Meeting point and coffee breaks were at Lehrstuhl für Algebra und Zahlentheorie in first floor of Pontdriesch 14/16, and also in the larger room SeMath (008) in the ground floor.
Attendees had to fulfill the 2G+ conditions (proof of Covid vaccination or recovery and each day a current negative Corona test).
Thursday, December 9, 2021
2.01--2.31pm | Benjamin Sambale (Hannover): Lower Bounds on the Number of Brauer Characters |
2.40--3.00pm | Britta Späth (Wuppertal): Equivariant Jordan Decomposition |
(coffee and discussion) | |
4.02-4.31pm | Kevin Wolf (Marburg): Representations of Deformed Nichols Algebras |
4.40-5.06pm | Jean Michel (Paris): Tower Equivalence and Lusztig's Fourier Transform |
5.20--6.00pm | Gunter Malle (Kaiserslautern): Yokonuma Type Algebras for Torus Normalisers in \(\ell\)-Compact Groups |
7.00pm-?? | Conference Dinner (in the Pontgarten, Pontstraße 154) |
Friday, December 10, 2021
Saturday, December 11, 2021
(small delay caused by virus) | |
10.06--10.26am | Olivier Dudas (Paris): Macdonald Polynomials for Complex Reflection Groups |
10.37--10.55am | Dario Mathiä (Kaiserslautern): A Variant of Kostka–Macdonald Coefficients at \(q = t\) for Multipartitions via Cherednik Algebras |
11.03--11.24am | Balthazar Charles (Paris): Cartan Matrices of Finite Monoids and Fixed Point Counting |
11.30--11.52am | Wilf Wilson (St Andrews): Perfect Refiners for Permutation Group Backtracking Algorithms |
(lunch break) | |
2.00--2.24pm | Thomas Gobet (Tours): Toric Reflection Groups |
2.31--2.50pm | Johannes Schmitt (Kaiserslautern): On Parabolic Subgroups of Symplectic Reflection Groups |
3.00--3.16pm | Ilias Andreou (Versailles): Brauer Algebras of Complex Reflection Groups |
(coffee and discussion) | |
4.40--5.03pm | Nathan Chapelier (Tours): Shi Variety Corresponding to an Affine Weyl Group |
5.10--5.28pm | Sofia Brenner (Jena): Socles of Centers of Group Algebras |
5.40--6.00pm | Thomas Gerber (Lausanne): Combinatorial Howe Duality |
7.00pm-?? | Research Cambridge Style! (in the "Labyrinth", of course) |
Final Version (Tue, 14 Dec 2021 15:31:39 +0100)