The GAP 4 Reference Manual - Index O

_ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

O_p(G), see PCore 37.10
ObjByExtRep 61.13.7
Objects 12.1
Objects and Elements 12.0
OCOneCocycles 37.22.3
octal character codes 26.1
OctaveAlgebra 60.4.3
od 4.19
OldGeneratorsOfPresentation 46.10.2
Omega 37.13.1
ONanScottType 41.4.1
OnBreak 6.3.3
OnBreakMessage 6.3.4
One 30.10.2
one cohomology 37.22
OneAttr 30.10.2
OneCoboundaries 37.22.2
OneCocycles 37.22.1
OneFactorBound 64.11.5
OneImmutable 30.10.2
OneIrreducibleSolvableGroup 48.10.4
OneLibraryGroup 48.5.2
OneMutable 30.10.2
OneOfPcgs 43.4.6
OneOp 30.10.2
OnePrimitiveGroup 48.5
OneSameMutability 30.10.2
OneSM 30.10.2
OneSmallGroup 48.7.3
OneTransitiveGroup 48.5
OnIndeterminates 64.7.2
OnIndeterminates, as a permutation action 39.2.13
OnLeftInverse 39.2.3
OnLines 39.2.12
OnLines, example 48.2
OnPairs 39.2.6
OnPoints 39.2.1
OnRight 39.2.2
OnSets 39.2.4
OnSetsDisjointSets 39.2.8
OnSetsSets 39.2.7
OnSetsTuples 39.2.9
OnSubspacesByCanonicalBasis 39.2.15
OnTuples 39.2.5
OnTuplesSets 39.2.10
OnTuplesTuples 39.2.11
Operation 39.12.2
Operational Structure of Domains 30.1
OperationAlgebraHomomorphism 60.9.8
OperationHomomorphism 39.12.3
Operations and Attributes for Vector Spaces 59.2
Operations applicable to All Streams 10.2
Operations Concerning Blocks 69.9
Operations for (Near-)Additive Magmas 53.4
Operations for Abelian Number Fields 58.2
Operations for algebraic elements 65.2
Operations for Associative Words 35.4
Operations for Associative Words by their Syllables 35.5
Operations for Booleans 20.3
Operations for Brauer Characters 70.15
Operations for Class Functions 70.8
Operations for Collections 28.4
Operations for Cyclotomics 18.1
Operations for Domains 30.9
Operations for Finite Field Elements 57.2
Operations for Finitely Presented Groups 45.4
Operations for Group Homomorphisms 38.2
Operations for Input Streams 10.3
Operations for Lists 21.20
Operations for Output Streams 10.4
Operations for Pc Groups 44.7
Operations for Rational Functions 64.2
Operations for Special Kinds of Bases 59.6
Operations for Stabilizer Chains 41.9
Operations for Vector Space Bases 59.5
Operations for Words 34.3
Operations on elements of the algebra 36.2
Operations on rewriting systems 36.1
Operations to Evaluate Strings 26.6
Operations to Produce or Manipulate Strings 26.5
Operations which have Special Methods for Groups with Pcgs 43.16
operations, for booleans 20.3
operators 4.7
Operators for Character Tables 69.7
Operators for Matrices 24.2
Operators for Row Vectors 23.1
operators, arithmetic 4.12
operators, associativity 4.12
operators, for cyclotomics 18.3
operators, for lists 21.11
operators, precedence 4.11 4.12
Optimization and Compiler Options 73.7
options 3.0 73.0
Options Stack 8.0
options, command line, filenames 3.1
options, command line, internal 3.2
options, under UNIX 3.1
or 20.3.1
Orbit 39.3.1
Orbit Stabilizer Methods for Polycyclic Groups 43.15
OrbitFusions 71.2.7
OrbitLength 39.3.4
OrbitLengths 39.3.5
OrbitLengthsDomain 39.3.6
OrbitPerms 41.1.1
OrbitPowerMaps 71.1.5
Orbits 39.3
Orbits, operation/attribute 39.3.2
OrbitsDomain 39.3.3
OrbitsPerms 41.1.2
OrbitStabChain 41.9.6
OrbitStabilizer 39.4.1
OrbitStabilizerAlgorithm 39.4.3
Order 30.10.10
order, of a group 37.1
Order, of a class function 70.4
order, of a list, collection or domain 28.3
order, of the prime residue group 15.1
OrderedPartitions 17.2.17
ordering, booleans 20.2.2
ordering, of records 27.4.2
OrderingByLessThanFunctionNC 29.1.1
OrderingByLessThanOrEqualFunctionNC 29.1.2
OrderingOfRewritingSystem 36.1.3
OrderingOnGenerators 29.3.4
Orderings 29.0
Orderings on families of associative words 29.3
OrderingsFamily 29.0
OrderMod 15.2.1
OrderOfRewritingSystem 36.1.3
OrdersClassRepresentatives 69.8.5
OrdersTom 68.7.2
Ordinal 26.6.2
ordinary character 70.8
OrdinaryCharacterTable 69.8.4
Orthogonal Embeddings 25.4
OrthogonalComponents 70.11.4
OrthogonalEmbeddings 25.4.1
OrthogonalEmbeddingsSpecialDimension 70.10.6
OSF 73.3
Other Filters 13.8
Other Operations Applicable to any Object 12.8
Other Operations for Character Tables 69.10
Other Operations for Tables of Marks 68.9
output, suppressing 6.1
OutputLogTo 9.7.9
OutputLogTo, for streams 10.4.7
OutputLogTo, stop logging output 9.7.10
OutputTextFile 10.5.2
OutputTextNone 10.9.2
OutputTextString 10.7.2
OutputTextUser 10.6.2

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GAP 4 manual
May 2002